Kitchen Cabinet & Bathtub Maintenance: How To Keep Them In Good Condition

Kitchen Cabinet & Bathtub Maintenance

Your cabinets and bathtubs are two defining features of your home; so you’ll want to keep them in perfect shape for years to come. Even the most affordable cabinets and bathtubs can last lot of years with effective care and cleaning strategies.

Here are some very helpful tips to help you keep them shiny and looking incredible.


Use Cabinet Liners

Adding a liner at the base of your shelving is a brilliant way to ensure that both your cabinets and your silverware are in decent health. There are several unique kinds of cabinet liners available, and the one you choose will depend on what your biggest concerns are. If you have prime quality silverware, a felt liner should hold it in the best condition. Cedar liners are great for keeping bugs away, while cork safeguards fragile glassware.

 Keep Your Cabinets Dry

Moisture will break down the wood in your cabinets over time, so always do your best to keep your cabinets dry. If you intend to use a water-based cleaning device on them, make sure they dry as soon as possible. Don’t hang damp kitchen towels near your cupboards or put away dishes when they’re still wet. With time, these insignificant pieces of moisture will add up.

 Wax The Exteriors

Using a cabinet wax a few times a year will keep the wood looking smooth and polished. It helps the cabinets preserve their color and helps to clear any soil and contaminants from the cabinet. Between cleanings, use a soft soap dish to remove debris from the exterior of the cabinet. Keeping the exterior and hardware clean on your cabinets can make an enormous difference when it comes to mitigating damage.


Proper Cleaning

Remember to check the cleaners to make sure they ‘re safe for your bathtub. You don’t want to ruin your tiles or tub with abrasive cleaners that aren’t intended for the job. Using non-abrasive cleaning items combined with scalding water, and that will be all you need.

Cleaning the bathtub frequently helps avoid the build-up of mildew and bacteria, as well as a bathtub ring, which can be difficult to clean once it sticks. It’s a smart idea to deep clean your bathtub once a week.

Bathtub Waxing

You can prevent damage to the tub by adding wax polish on a regular basis. This serves to ensure that water and contaminants do not linger in areas where they are not allowed to stay. Using wax polish also serves to seal minor holes until you are able to repair them.

You can use ordinary car wax on your bathtub, but if you’re uncomfortable with that idea, you can also get wax that’s made specifically for bathroom fixtures.

Repair Cracks

Cracks in tiles can lead to mildew growth and cause severe illness if left unaddressed. Search for loose or broken tiles once a year and seal them. This means that the water can’t get into the wall cavities, which prevents the damage that can be caused by the penetration of water.

Caulk Is Your Friend 

Silicone caulk will fix any potential issues and ensure that nothing is impaired. Regularly (about once a year) check the caulk at the changing points. You should expect caulk to last for about five years.

Regular Use

Between your regular bathtub maintenance, there are things you can do to help prevent mildew and stubborn soap dirt and stains. After a bath or a shower, make sure everything is rinsed down the drain so that there is no shampoo or soap left on the surface of the tub. You should also clean the shower curtain or door with a dry towel to prevent the build-up of mildew caused by excess moisture. Doing these simple things would make weekly cleaning a less ardent task.